Sunday, 27 November 2011

Players Perceptions on a Scene

  This thought and concept is a very scrutinised topic and the effect is only really carried out in the sub-conscious of the player unless they apply the utmost scrutiny to the mechanics and ideas behind Evergo.  There are some scenes in Evergo that we want to really have an effect on the player. The first scenes of the game are very important as it sets the players expectations and feel for the game ahead, so some deep ideas and mechanics need to be thought through to influence the players perception of the scene ahead of them, specifically when they...

Monday, 31 October 2011

Playing Evergo with an xbox controller!

Modified the code only slightly to test out what it would be like to play the game with an xbox controller. No, the game wasn't compiled to an xbox (i just used a USB xbox controller on a pc). To be honest it felt kinda cool playing our own game with an xbox controller, it's a different feeling because an xbox controller is only related to gaming whereas a mouse and keyboard is used everyday for anything and everything. It sort of made the game feel more "exclusive", and that we are actually making a game!Hardest thing to explain...-Aa...

Sunday, 23 October 2011

A message from the scripter!

My personal journey so far, as an indie game developer has been exciting, tiresome yet fun. Who would have known how much one can actually learn about the game industry in such a short time span (something like 4 months in total). I didn't even know a programming language. So I've learnt JavaScript, the entire unity interface including it's engine, game development concepts and a little C#. There have been hours of time devoted to understanding how a game should run and different methods to make the game more immersive. I think the hardest part about creating evergo so far has been trying to pack...

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

GMZ Interview with Thomas Grip

ORIGINAL POST HERE!Basically these guys are our main inspiration, so we found this pretty interesting. Enjoy! Frictional Games are a small independent studio based in Sweden and have so far impressed with their excellent Penumbra game series. They are preparing to launch their new horror game, Amnesia, soon and we thought about asking them a few questions. Read on below:GMZ: First of all, how did Frictional Games come together?Thomas Grip: Jens and I first collaborated on a game called Unbirth (that never got finished) in 2005. We then worked together on a game...

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Thoughts on Provoking Fear Through Monsters and Phobias

  By now, it has gotten to the stage where we have needed to concern our self's with involving monsters in the game. Provoking fear, being the main purpose of involving monsters, can become a matter involved rather deeply with emotions and phobias.   Monologophobia (which can refer to repetition/the same) is a phobia that, along with many other phobias, can be integrated quiet well into the game and used in context of the idea of pursuit from the monsters. Monologophobia is a fear that I used specifically in one of the basements as the basement is like a small maze,...

Monday, 3 October 2011

Forum launch

BRAND NEW forums have been launched on our BRAND NEW website :)Feel free to access them HE...

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Progress Report: Concepts

 Just some pictures of whats being developed.... ...

"" Domain has been bought!

Just to show you we are serious about this, we've purchased a domain name to host the forums, Evergo website (download demos and other misc. goodies!), group news and a few other things once we get going.For now... the site is in a "Under Construction" state, however you may access the forums via: Create an account and make some posts, would love to see some activity on ther...

Bilinear Software Colab.

 Saturday - 2/10/2011 - the team (that night missing one modeller) got together at Jonathan's house to work together in unison; a rare happening seeing as we all work from home and keep each other updated through school everyday... convenient maybe, but we needed a time where we could just sit down and see what the other was working on and what they were doing. The morale boost we got from seeing the first level compiled was substantial, so now you could pretty much say that new vigor...

1st level screen-shot

   What you see above here is the view of part of the first level - we have started the first level and it can be compiled at the moment. Slowly, wall by wall, door by door, prop by prop, the level is being constructed and brought to life. The team had  a bit of fun with some makeshift creature scares and it did prove scary enough to frighten the developers...    So hopefully soon, we should be seeing a monster or two emerging from that ring of darkne...

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Prop Construction

 Now that the first level is in scripting-hands, it is time to get cracking on the game props. We have a pretty good list so far that includes things such as laptops, briefcases, garbage bags (as seen above), the good ol' game-crate, and even a rotten donut! And by the time they are finished, we will have an occupied and interactive level unlike the barren state that it is now.  The first level was done in a bit of a longer time than anticipated, because of small things...

Thursday, 8 September 2011

First Level: Initial Planning Stages

Menu is done and it's time to move on. Let the coding begin! Johnny is working hard at the models and level mapping. Keep checking back for updates, screenshots and possibly even dem...

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Let The Coding For The Game BEGIN!!!

We have finally finished the menu, with options panel working to 80% functionality (we will add mouse sensitivity, gamma, sound and any other options we decide to chuck in as we progress in the development of Evergo. The next thing to tackle is the save/load system, while that's underway our lead 3d artist will be working on the models and scene for the opening cinematic...

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Menu Plasma Lamp Colour?!

What colour do you as a player find most aesthetically pleasing?leave a comment :) and yes we do have more important things in the game to be doing rather than picking pretty colours ...

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Menu Game Build!!!

Get the first copy of the game here!or here  or possibly even here!Download it and run the executable, then give us a comment on the sort of frame rate youre getting.**obviously the play button is not going to work as the game hasn't been built on... also in the options panel you wont be able to change the graphic preferences, as it still hasnt been populated and scripted, etc!Link:

Newer Screenshot!

(Click for full size) We changed the story line of the game just slightly, so we removed the old torches and replaced them with super high-tech plasma lamps! Opinions anybod...

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Screenshot of the menu so far!

Here is the current state of the menu... The torches are going to be changed soon, considering our change of plot - we will replace them with plasma torches of some kind. Give us a comment on your opinions and what you think should be changed etc....

Welcome! - First Post

The first challenge we came across was the choosing of a game engine... after playing around with Unity 3 we decided it was the best choice for us. It offered the most flexibility coding wise and in terms of what it could actually do! As we develop the game, we will be learning Unity too. We haven't expected this to be an easy task, nor a quick one, but we hope to keep going at it whenever we have the chance. Our choice of language in the end was JavaScript, seeing it was most well-known to us compared to C# and Boo Script. Please enjoy this blog as we take you through the development...

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